Opening day of 2014 – 2015 Eagle Season

This year’s early cold snap had driving the American Bald Eagles down the Mississippi River and into Illinois 3 to 4 weeks early this year.  However, it has been so gray, overcast, or foggy that nobody has been getting any decent photos. I usually never start traveling to photograph eagles until after Christmas.  Cabin fever and boredom was setting in!

Finally yesterday (Friday 12/20/15) a sunny day.  I grabbed my gear and headed to my favorite spot to photograph my beloved Eagles.  Their was 30 – 40 eagles fishing WAY out by the damn, but nothing happening in near the lock.  Took a couple shots of some birds sitting in the parking lot trees.

PBKJ5452-FrameShopClassic Banking PosePBKJ5477-FrameShopAction was slow so I was working on my tracking and focus on sea gulls when I caught this one eating a fish mid flight.PBKJ5509-FrameShop

Heard a ton of clicking of shutters from photographers around me, turned around to see them firing this female goldfinch behind me.  So I thought I better take a couple too.PBKJ5555-FrameShop PBKJ5556-FrameShop

Put my 2 X teleconverter on my 500mm and tried to squeeze out a couple mid-air fight sequence. These birds are WAY out there!PBKJ5567-FrameShop

A lone eagle buzzed a flock of Speckle Bellied Geese resting on the ice. The all got up and took to the air. I caught them flying past the lock’s traffic light.PBKJ5583-FrameShop

Heavy crop, but the rare “upside-down” eagle.  I still don’t have a full frame talon to talon shot.  Maybe this will be the year.  Guess that is why I keep going back.PBKJ5606-FrameShopSometimes I wonder how many more eagles photograph I really need, I think it is more of an excuse to get out an just watch and enjoy them!

More eagles trips to come!


Happy Thanksgiving 2014

American Wild Turkey.  Did you know this could well have been our national bird?  But instead millions of them (domesticated) are consumed every year on Thanksgiving!


But instead our founding fathers were small enough to name the American Bald Eagle as our national bird and national animal.  What a proud majestic creature!


The migration of Eagles has already started on the Mississippi flyway and is about 3 to 4 weeks ahead of schedule!  Let me know if you want to book an hands on / in filed Eagle workshop this winter and we can make that happen!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Lock & Dam 14 Mississippi River Bald Eagle Fishing Sequence

Last Friday 2/7/14 was a perfect day for me at Lock and Dam 14. I am guessing 80 to 100 photographers were there. I arrived around 10:30 am negative 9 degrees (-9), warmed up to a balmy 14 when I left 6 1/2 hours later. The action was non stop 1297 activations. I have TONS to edit, I even had to back up because I was clipping too many wings with the 500mm. Several of the local guys I know over there switched to 70-200mm. I didn’t take mine that day, so I was forced to stay with the 1DX and my trusty 500mm.

Have I told anybody lately how pleased I am with my Canon 1DX purchase and my 500mm pairing!!!!

A complete fishing series of 8 captured at 14 FPS. This was one of the first time I have witness an adult miss the fish. L&D 14 has taken some heat lately for baiting but I was there both Friday 2/7 and Saturday 2/8 in the snow and I witnessed NO baiting.

AV8O6531 2-FrameShop AV8O6532 2-FrameShop AV8O6533 2-FrameShop AV8O6534 2-FrameShop AV8O6535Cover-FrameShop AV8O6536 2-FrameShop AV8O6537 2-FrameShop AV8O6538 2-FrameShop


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Eagles / Birds in Flight: How to, Tips and Tricks

Tons of people have asked how I am getting the high quality Eagle Photos, so I will focus this post on giving out all most of my secrets!

To get shots like this, lets walk through the steps.

Copyright: PhotosByJarrett {2010-2014}

Know your gear:  I can’t begin to tell you how many people ask me a question in the field and I gladly give them answer, but then don’t know how to adjust their own camera.  I am a Canon shooter and all setting and screen shots will be Canon.  Nikon have all the same settings, you will just have to hunt for them.

Camera Settings:

  • Shutter Speeds = 1/1600 or higher.  At 1/1250 you will still get some wing blur.
  • ISO = 400 to 800.  Some high-end camera’s can go faster, but be careful for noise.
  • Aperture = high as possible, I like to shot at f 7.1 or 8
  • Depending on light I shoot in Shutter Priority or Aperture Priority.
  • Fastest continual shutter speed your camera will drive. (Drive Mode)
  • Exposure Settings.  It is so easy to “Blow” out an Eagles white heads and tail feathers!
    • Adjust your EV settings in the field as needed and even as the light changes.
    • I will shoot as high as + 1 & 2/3 on a cloudy day.

Advanced Camera Settings:
In order to track a flying bird, slow down your auto-focus tracking sensitivity to as SLOW are you can get it.  This will prevent other things that pop in and out of your frame from grabbing focus.  It also helps to speed up focusing.

On my Canon 1 DX I use setting #2

Micro Adjustment of telephoto lens:

I use a wooden ruler as a cheaper way to do this.

Camera Stabilization: 
I find myself using three different types.

Tripod with a full Gimbal Head: this is what most of the serious guys use.  My camera and lens combo is right at 14 pounds, so it gets heavy.

Gimbal Head


Monopod: I find that for most situations this works best for me.  I use a Really Right Stuff Head on my monopod.  This allows me to move more easy and I have way better luck tracking birds in flight.


Thanks Sriti for the use of your photo.

BushHawk:  I use this for when I want to hand hold.  It is great for faster moving birds and high fly overs that you can’t track with the Gimbal.

Bush Hawk

OK, so are we finally ready to hit the field?  I use this website to track the Eagles on the Mississippi to see where they are gathering at.  The public can get the closest to the Eagles at Lock & Dam 14 just South of Le Claire Iowa.


  • The pros say to expect keeper rate of 1 out of a 100.
  • First time out I shot over 2,000 to get 38.
  • Practice on common birds, so when you special bird comes along you will be able to increase your chances.
  • If shooting eagles, gulls are great to practices on, and set your white balance.

Know your Subject:

  • Mostly birds land into the wind and always fish into the wind.
  • Most birds will launch into the wind.
  • Use your natural light
    • East side of a river in the morning
    • West side of the river in the afternoon
  • Flashes tend to turn the birds
    • Some use “Better Beamer” extenders
  • Blue skies with clouds provides nice backgrounds!

Back Button Focus: will really help with your keeper rate and not ending up with unwanted photos.

Back Button Focus

Top Ten Tips:

Tip #1: Watch your composition.
Tip #2: Adjust your elevation.
Tip #3: Adjust your camera settings.
Tip #4: Use the user programmable modes.
Tip #5: Shoot away from the sun.
Tip #6: Shoot in short bursts of 2 or 3 images.
Tip #7: Don’t skimp on depth-of-field.
Tip #8: Shoot with both eyes open.
Tip #9: Pay attention to the background.
Tip #10: Don’t skimp on Image Stabilization.
Post Processing:
This is the biggest area I still need improvement and am working on.  I am trying to leverage and follow most of these steps.  I will say, as a rule Less is More!

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