Mississippi River Eagles

It has been 9 winters since I have photographed American Bald Eagles on the mighty Mississippi River below Lock and Dam 14, just north of the Quad Cities.  This is one of my happy winter places as this is where the entire wildlife photography journey started back in 2010.  The light was all over the place today from heavy clouds, snow, and partial sunshine.  Wind was perfect for most of the afternoon, strong from the South.  At L&D 14 you want a North or South wind, otherwise you end up with nothing but butt shots.   I think I might go back Friday, but we really need more snow on the ground and more ice on the river. 

Trumpeter Swan

2.5 year of Juvenile

American White Pelican

Not all fishing passes are successful.  I like it when they missed, as it brings several other eagles into the action.  This is 1 pound gizzard shad.

Who want to go photograph eagles soon?

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look!
Life is good and I am blessed!

Lock & Dam 14 Mississippi River Bald Eagle Fishing Sequence

Last Friday 2/7/14 was a perfect day for me at Lock and Dam 14. I am guessing 80 to 100 photographers were there. I arrived around 10:30 am negative 9 degrees (-9), warmed up to a balmy 14 when I left 6 1/2 hours later. The action was non stop 1297 activations. I have TONS to edit, I even had to back up because I was clipping too many wings with the 500mm. Several of the local guys I know over there switched to 70-200mm. I didn’t take mine that day, so I was forced to stay with the 1DX and my trusty 500mm.

Have I told anybody lately how pleased I am with my Canon 1DX purchase and my 500mm pairing!!!!

A complete fishing series of 8 captured at 14 FPS. This was one of the first time I have witness an adult miss the fish. L&D 14 has taken some heat lately for baiting but I was there both Friday 2/7 and Saturday 2/8 in the snow and I witnessed NO baiting.

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Eagles and the Canon 1DX

Well, I finally pulled the trigger and got the best Canon body made.  I received my new 1DX the Wednesday before Christmas.  I got it early for Eagles.  Then the weather turned cold which made the eagles 3 to 4 weeks ahead of schedule.  They are already South of the Quad Cities.  I wanted more time to get used to the body before going into battle, but I went into battle with a one night crash course!

Here are a few series of Fishing Eagles.

Copyright: PhotosByJarrett {2010-2014}


Click on each photo below to see full resolution.

Paper Prints, Canvas Wraps, Metallic, and Digital Downloads.

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