GHO in Tree Cavity

Got a tip from a fellow “Owl’er”.  I took the chance with the weather and took off 80 miles to find the nest, still in Central Illinois.  Had a pin where to park, and a rough map of where the cavity tree was, but still took me a while to located it.  Especially since I had map upside down and started off walking away from the nest.  Went back to the truck and regrouped and started over in the right direction.  When I finally found the hole, only 1 fuzzy white head was visible.  I got 3 shots off hand held before it went back down inside the tree.  Moved the truck into location where I could observe the tree for over an hour with NO activity.  Decided I go to the nearest town, grabbed lunch and a bio break.

Went back to observation spot, still nothing.  I reclined the trucks seat and started streaming Shelby’s college softball game.  I would check the cavity every time they changed the field.  Finally in the bottom of the 4th, mom was spotted in the nest cavity.  I don’t know if she flew in, or if she climbed up from deeper in the cavity.

You can barely see the top of one of the two owlets trying to push it’s way up.

These were shot with the new RF600mm F4 IS with a 1.4 TC so effectively a 840mm f5.6

Loving the new lens, and I’ll be back to check on this family again.  Judging by the size of the one Owlet I saw, they will start to fletching soon.

At least I finally found a brown owl (with help), just wish is was closer to home. I’ll be back in the woods looking for more local owls closer to home next week.

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Life is good and I am blessed!

GGO Fly By

Are you sick of Owls yet?  Edited some more Great Gray Owl photos from this year’s trip up to Sax Zim Bog.

Right to left fly by this time.

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Life is good and I am blessed.


Stare, Launch, Flight, Kill, Reward

The stare, launch, flight, kill, and the reward!The Stare.  It is like they look right into your soul or through you. Their eyesight is so good I wonder if they are looking at their reflection in the lens.

The catch

The eating of the vole.You get all that?

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look!
Life is good and I am blessed!

Coming in to Perch

I watched and photographed this Great Grey Owl (GGO) three different times.  This is the same as as in the snowy previous post.  I was driving to next location when I spotted this owl hunting.  So I got ahead of it and setup on it’s favorite hunting perch and let it come to me.

Next up a hunting series with a successful catch!

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look!
Life is good and I am blessed!