7D Mark ii and 100-400 Mark ii review: Day 9 Eagles Again

Saturday 1/17/15 was my last Eagle trip with the combination of the New Canon 7D mkii and the new Canon 100-400mm IS Mark ii.

Light was crappy all day.  I also was lucky enough to have a paid client that day, so I didn’t focus much my photography as much as making sure he knew his gear and his subject.  A few minor tweaks and he was off and having the time of his life photographing my Bald Eagles on the Mississippi River at Lock and Dam 14.

Anyway on with the review.  This will be my last write up before tomorrow big total review on which gear I will be keeping and if any gear is being returned.

Canon 7D Mark ii and Canon 100-400 Mark ii 

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Canon 1DX and 500mm f4 IS:

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I think this last image comparison speaks loudly.  Final write up later tonight or tomorrow!

I would also like to take a moment to thank all my new blog followers and supporters!  I think this blog had roughly 50 subscribers, and as the time of this post it is at 112!


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Thanks for stopping by, Life is good, and I am blessed!


Canon 1DX + 500mm f4 = The Dive

My Canon 1DX and my trusty Canon 500mm f4 IS has been feeling neglected!  I have been walking around with the 7D2 + 100-400 hand held.  Was trying to catch a fight, but caught this Dive instead.  I have been leaving the 500mm setup on my gimbal and tripod, and switching back and forth to compare tracking and focusing speeds.  Here are some results.

The Dive

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Now that I got a post out, better get back to the high ISO comparison!

Enjoy what you read and the photos? Subscribe to be notified of future posts via email by either clicking the Follow button at the bottom or the Subscribe section on the right!  Feel free to leave a comment.

Thanks for stopping by, Life is good, and I am blessed!