35 of 52: 2014

Week 35 of 52: More Canvas Wraps have come in (Hummingbird August, and the Snowy Owl cover)

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I have been shooting some this past week, but wanted to keep the blog focused on the 2015 Wildlife Calendar project.  My local CBS television station is shooting a special interest segment on me and the calendar tomorrow.  So I wanted to keep the blog current with Calendar info.

You can get either of these canvas wraps via the Kick Starter link.  We are almost halfway through the 45 days and only 40% funded.  Pledge away!

Enjoy what you read and the photos? Subscribe to be notified of future posts via email by either clicking the Follow button at the bottom or the Subscribe section on the right!  Feel free to leave a comment.

Thanks for stopping by, Life is good, and I am blessed!


Snowy Owls of Lee County Illinois

I started my day at 3:45 AM.  I wanted to be at my Snowy Owl spot at day break.


I had never really shot a sunrise or landscape with my 500mm prime.  I had already found my first owl and was waiting for enough light to photograph it in.


The second owl almost attacked me when I got out of the car to setup on her.

Not sure what I love more, their EYES or their FEET?PBKJ9003-FrameShop

After the first shot, I took the 500mm prime off and went the rest of interaction with this female with my 70-200mm.  She allowed me to spend about 45 minutes with her. It was something very special to get to connect and interact with nature.  This was yet another life changing moment, and ranks right up their with my Smoky Mountain Bear and 3 cubs.PBKJ9082-FrameShop PBKJ9083-FrameShop PBKJ9103-FrameShop PBKJ9133-FrameShop PBKJ9134-FrameShop

Shot at 700mm, 500mm + 1.4 teleconverter.PBKJ9139-FrameShop PBKJ9144Header-FrameShop

Posted this one for a better foot shot.  Does that mean I have a foot fetish?PBKJ9147-FrameShop

One of the next two will be printed and hanging on a wall in my home soon.PBKJ9154-FrameShop PBKJ9156-FrameShop PBKJ9161-FrameShop

See Kent, I can be an Eagle too!PBKJ9214-FrameShop

At least 4 Snowy Owls found and photographed.  Couldn’t really determine if the 5th owl was the same owl I was following flying or a new owl.

Commercial recap:  3:45 AM wake up + watched sunrise + 280 miles + $57.50 in gas + 9 hours in a car + FULL Frame Snowy Owls photos = PRICELESS!!!!!!

Not sure if the Snow Owls will be back in winters to come, but at least I got to photograph these really cool birds.  They weren’t even on my bucket list, but got to cross them off non the less.

Not sure what March will bring with both my Eagles and Owls moving out.  Hopefully it will be warm enough to play some golf soon!

Next up in April will be the Masters Golf Tournament and 4 days in Great Smoky Mountain National Park (GSMNP).

Don’t forget most of the photos on this site are for sale.  Enjoy what you read and the photos? Subscribe to be notified of future posts via email by either clicking the Follow button at the bottom or the Subscribe section on the right!  Or feel free to leave a comment.

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Snowy Owls


It always sadden me a little when I come to realize that my beloved Bald Eagles are leaving rivers of Illinois and headed back North.  It was a great year, 9 trips to the Mississippi, and over 8500 photos still to edit.

To fill the void, I took a chance and started looking for Snowy Owls.  The extreme cold along with the population explosion has forced Snowy Owls farther South that normal. Once I learned that there was at least one within 35 miles of my home, The search was on.

I strongly recommend using www.eBird.com to track any migratory birds.  Here is a link to my posted sightings.

After one trip on the weekend of 2/15 and 2/16 I was hooked!

Snowy Owl

They are supper skittish, and even though I have a 500mm lens, I couldn’t get close enough for full frame photos.

The following weekend, Friday 2/21/14 I went back and couldn’t find the snowy owl in Marshall County.  It made me more determined to find them.  I got up early Saturday morning 2/22/14 and headed North to Lee County.  Several forums I belong too as well as several Facebook groups had been posting really nice Snowy Owl photos from Lee County.  Reports of 11 – 14 birds in a 8 mile block had my curiosity peaked.

I logged close to 300 miles over 9 hours and found 3 owls.

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Driving that many miles and that much wheel time, other wildlife was found.

Red Tail HawkPBKJ8650-FrameShop

A total of 5 Red Fox were found.  The last one was pretty funny, he just took off running and I saw something moving, so I sped up and got out of front of him.  He was locked onto a skunk.  He got pretty close before he turned and ran away.  He went up next to a silo and really started cleaning himself.  I believe he got a face full of spray.  The skunk got away, and I got shots of all of it.

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Saturday the temp when I started out was 23, but mid day temps got up to 33.  I was mostly driving on frozen dirt roads.  With all the recent rain and thaw there was at least three times the ice under the car gave way and I was axle deep busting my way through ice and water, I thought I was screwed!  I hammered down and made it out, I could hear the ice hitting the bottom of the car.  After the last and longest run of ice and water I backed off a couple long flooded ice floats and found a different way around.  See I can learn.

My current car has never been so dirty.  I stopped to hit a bathroom and grab a drink, and couldn’t get out of the car because doors were frozen shut.

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What is up next on my bucket list?  Not really sure, but hopefully back on a golf course in less than a month!

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8 of 52: 2014

Week 8 of 52: Snowy Owl

Snowy Owl


Usually don’t post my photo of the week until Friday, but this week’s had to be early.  Finally found a Snowy Owl.  A rare find for central Illinois.

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