Sax Zim Bog 2024

I started photographing eagles and owls back in 2010.  Ever since I saw the guys on posting Great Gray Owls (GGO) on the forum they have been on my bucket list.  The closest place to photograph them is Sax Zim Bog in MN.  I never made it up there, and then we moved to Texas for 8 years.  After retiring and moving back to central Illinois, there was no excuses!  A good friend and great photographer invited me to share a room with him and it was on.  We planned to drive on Monday 1-1-24 and then chase owls Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and drive back South on Friday.  We stayed at Alesches Accommodations.  I was a little nervous about the place and sharing a bathroom.  I was super pleasantly surprised. What a great place.  It is an old converted bible camp.  There is a huge shared area and a full kitchen. Super clean and very homey.  Everybody staying there were photographers.  It was pretty cool to sit around the fire / table with 5 or 6 other photographers, while we all edited our “Photos of the Day” (POTD), sharing locations, and editing tips.  Now I need / want the Canon RF 600 f4 LS lens more than ever as my EF 500 is 12 years old and was super slow using it via an EF to RF converter.  I was disappointed in the new RF100-500mm I bought.  The f 7.1 killed me in the low gray light and ISO was at unacceptable levels (guess I am just spoiled).  Don’t get me wrong the 100-500 is a great lens and has a place in my bag, it just needs a ton more available light at 500mm. 

Bucket list for the trip, much in order:

  • Great Gray Owl
  • Norther Hawk Owl
  • Pine Martin
  • Ermine
  • Porcupine

Bonus subjects would have been:

  • Wolf
  • Moose
  • Bob Cat
  • Golden Eagle
  • Bigfoot

I was successfully able to get full frame photos of the first 4!  If I can afford to get the RF600mm I will go back.  For now, please enjoy these from the trip.  Introducing the 4 subjects.  More post with in flight series to follow as I get them edited.

Great Gray Owl (GGO): The largest of the owls in North America

Great Gray Owl GGO Great Gray Owl GGO

The true master of Camouflage!

Norther Hawk Owl (NHO): It is one of the few owls that is neither nocturnal nor crepuscular, being active only during the day, and is about the size of a crow and the only hawk that hunts from the air.

Northern Hawk Owl NHONorthern Hawk Owl NHO

Pine Marten: A carnivore, their body length can range up to 21” and tail length of 10”, and weigh 3 – 3.5 pounds.

Pine Marten Pine Marten

Short-tailed Weasel aka Ermine:  They are brown in the summer and turn white in winter.  Body length 5-7” with a 4-6” tail.  Stupid fast little guys

Ermine Ermine

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Life is good and I am blessed.




Three rack Whitetail

Headed out the make a lap around both lakes to check on my bucks. I think they should be shedding their antlers in the next 2-3 weeks. While creeping down the lane I caught a glimpse of a HUGE buck with a down tine. None of the regular bucks had a down tine. I worked him for about 15-18 minutes when I gave up and went and got ahead of him and waited to see if he would continue with the two does into an opening. YEAH, he stepped out. As soon as I put the big glass on him, I could see it was BT (Brow Tine) with a third rack tangled up in his. I am posting all three angles. I want to think it might be Loppy Red’s good rack. If you zoom in you can see it still has blood on it from being ripped off his head. To the victor goes the spoils!
This outcome is way better than a lot of fights that end up locked together. The dominate bucks usually ends up breaking the neck of the other buck. They the dominate buck dies a horrible death, because he can’t eat or defend himself and coyotes usually finish him off.
I’m not that worried about BT, as he should be dropping all three racks shortly. I have seen some pretty cool things through my lens over the years. Monday I leave for Northern Minnesota to chase Great Gary Owls.
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Life is good and I am blessed.


Sandhill Cranes

This pass Friday,  I set an alarm and headed to Jasper-Pulaski Fish and Wildlife Area in Indiana to try and find some Sandhill Cranes. The largest flock East of the Mississippi River hang out around that wildlife refuge from Late October though December depending on weather and food.
The sandhill crane is one of the oldest bird species and has been around for at least 2 million years. Sandhill cranes have been on Earth for an incredibly long time. The Sandhill Crane is among the oldest species of bird, with fossils dating back at least two million years.
Road construction and a 25 mile detour allowed me to miss the mass ascension, but was still able to find tons feeding in the fields to the South.
The new 100-500 wasn’t enough lens, and the EF 500mm F4 with a 1.4 TC was super slow focusing birds in flights. Really makes me want to pull the trigger on the RF 600mm F4.
Pretty cool to witness and watch them. I saw Deer, Turkey, a green Heron. I can tell I am rusty shooting birds in flight!!!

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Life is good and I am blessed.


New Camera Day

I haven’t really shot much wildlife during the past 7.5 years while I was living and working in Texas. Since moving back to Illinois, I have been shooting with my son on his mirrorless camera. Made me hate the thought of picking my 8 & 10 year old gear up. Today my Canon R5 was delivered, so of course, I headed out to the woods to find some whitetails. Bet I saw over 100 deer. Rut is not far away as I watched a 2.5 year old buck work his scrap line.
PS, my 1DX and 5Diii are both for sale and will make you a great deal(s).
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