Life is good and I am blessed!
Last year I went up to Sax Zim Bog in MN to try and photograph a Great Grey Owl (GGO) that had been on my bucket list forever. That 2024 trip write up here: Great Gray Owls.
So this year, I headed back to North Eastern MN to find a Boreal Owl (Lifer). Every once in a while there is an “Owl Irruption”. The last irruption was 2010. An irruption is caused by a mild winter, followed by a larger than normal hatch from a very successful breeding season. That followed by a colder winter than normal forces migration of sorts due to fluctuations in their food supply This year, winter 2025 is an Irruption year for both Boreal and Great Grays.
It was a distinct honor and pleasure to be able to capture the rest of Audry’s Senior photos, (Fall Session). Here is a few of my favorites. Rest can we be found HERE.
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look!
Life is good and I am blessed!
It was a distinct honor and pleasure to be able to capture Audry’s Senior photos. This was our summer session. Falls session will happen when leaves are in peak color. Here is a few of my favorites. Rest can we be found HERE.
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look!
Life is good and I am blessed!
I am truly loving my new Canon R5. It is capable of shooting 20 frames per second (fps). My old Canon 1DX shot at 12 fps. Crazy to think that in less than a half of a second how many different wing poses I was able to capture on this launch series and kept focus while the owl was flying through branches!
Just need new glass. Should I start a go fund me for the RF 600mm f4 LS?
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look!
Life is good and I am blessed!