GGO Fly By

Are you sick of Owls yet?  Edited some more Great Gray Owl photos from this year’s trip up to Sax Zim Bog.

Right to left fly by this time.

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Life is good and I am blessed.


Stare, Launch, Flight, Kill, Reward

The stare, launch, flight, kill, and the reward!The Stare.  It is like they look right into your soul or through you. Their eyesight is so good I wonder if they are looking at their reflection in the lens.

The catch

The eating of the vole.You get all that?

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look!
Life is good and I am blessed!

Mississippi River Eagles

It has been 9 winters since I have photographed American Bald Eagles on the mighty Mississippi River below Lock and Dam 14, just north of the Quad Cities.  This is one of my happy winter places as this is where the entire wildlife photography journey started back in 2010.  The light was all over the place today from heavy clouds, snow, and partial sunshine.  Wind was perfect for most of the afternoon, strong from the South.  At L&D 14 you want a North or South wind, otherwise you end up with nothing but butt shots.   I think I might go back Friday, but we really need more snow on the ground and more ice on the river. 

Trumpeter Swan

2.5 year of Juvenile

American White Pelican

Not all fishing passes are successful.  I like it when they missed, as it brings several other eagles into the action.  This is 1 pound gizzard shad.

Who want to go photograph eagles soon?

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look!
Life is good and I am blessed!

Coming in to Perch

I watched and photographed this Great Grey Owl (GGO) three different times.  This is the same as as in the snowy previous post.  I was driving to next location when I spotted this owl hunting.  So I got ahead of it and setup on it’s favorite hunting perch and let it come to me.

Next up a hunting series with a successful catch!

Thanks for stopping by and taking a look!
Life is good and I am blessed!