Matt, Ashly and Layla March 2016 visit

Sometimes it isn’t all about photography, nature and wildlife.  Sometimes it is about family!  Nothing like family visiting to help my mental state of being.

Layla loves the zoo, so we went back to the Fort Worth Zoo again on Saturday.  The weather was perfect!KJ5D5251-FrameShopMatt really liked my 100-400 lens for walking around and snapping a few photos.  Doesn’t this one look like a Billboard?KJ5D5247-FrameShop Another Matt PhotoKJ5D5253-FrameShopMatt and Sharon thought this turtle looked like ET the way his neck was stretched out.  Another Photo by Matt at crazy high ISO!KJ5D5323-FrameShopPhoto Mar 12, 3 23 56 PM-FrameShopLayla loved being pulled around in my collapsible wagon.  Tough life: Right?Photo Mar 12, 3 45 05 PM-FrameShopLayla liked the monkeys the best!Photo Mar 12, 2 03 34 PM-FrameShopOK, so I did snap a few photos on my own.KJ5D5245-FrameShop KJ5D5255-FrameShop KJ5D5271-FrameShop  Female wood duckKJ5D5283-FrameShop Male wood duckKJ5D5286-FrameShopKJ5D5356-FrameShop  Red IbisKJ5D5325-FrameShop KJ5D5326-FrameShop  Ruddy Duck, bill looked fake!KJ5D5360-FrameShop KJ5D5372-FrameShopSunday was opening day of the Pool!  Water was 88 and the air temp was 82.Photo Mar 13, 2 54 41 PM-FrameShop I am about three weeks behind on editing and the blog so my plans are to catch up while Sharon is out of town.

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Life is good and I am blessed!


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